Today I hate.

Some of the masks

Kategori: Livet

Alright, so I enjoy doing make up when I am bored. 
Sometimes I use these little make ups for special events and sometimes I just practice using make up on myself for fun. I figured I would add a few examples of make up I have done here.

Ett helt seriöst inlägg

Kategori: Livet

Vissa saker håller sig fast i minnet för att hoppa ut då och då och påminna oss om det där hemska.
För mig handlar det om min vikt och mitt utseende. Jag har nog alltid tyckt att jag ser bra ut. Jag har kanske en normal kropp, tror jag och jag har nog inga större klagomål än någon annan.
Det som är lite sjukt är att jag är helt ok med att någon kanske inte gillar min personlighet. Det är ju sånt som händer. liksom. Folk klaffar inte och man behöver inte umgås helt enkelt. 
Om någon tycker att jag är ful eller säger till mig att jag är tjock, borde tänka på vad jag äter, borde klä mig annorlunda eller om någon ens hintar någonting i den riktningen så mår jag dåligt i veckor. Ibland månader.
Ett bra exempel:
För några år sedan så vad jag och hälsade på en vän i Göteborg. Hon hade börjat träna, såg riktigt bra ut och jag sa det till henne också. Hon blev glad förstås. En av dagarna då vi sågs så hade hon på sig ett par byxor som jag tror hon fått av mig vid något tillfälle och hon lägger en kommentar: "Kommer du ihåg när du var smal nog att ha dem här? Haha!"
Jag föll som en sten. 
Det faktum att jag fortfarande kommer ihåg vad hon sa, hur hon sa det, var vi var och bad jag hade på mig den dagen är bevis nog för mig att jag bryr mig för mycket om hur jag ser ut - eller snarare, hur andra tycker att jag ser ut.
Jag har aldrig gett tid till ätstörningar. Visst har jag skitit i att äta någon gång då och då för att sedan känna mig mycket starkare och bättre, snyggare och smalare på grund av det men det har aldrig varit någon trend.
Det faktum att jag ser en blandning av "du är vacker som du är", "träna rätt, ät rätt, bli smal, bli lycklig", snyftiga historier om ätstörningar och modell bilder gör att jag blir till slut lite scizofren i hur jag ser mig själv.
Jag har ingen aning om hur min kropp ser ut.
Jag ser mig själv varje dag, absolut. Jag har helkropps spelglar både hemma och på jobbet men det betyder inte att jag förstår hur jag ser ut. Det beror helt och hållet på vad någon sagt dagen, vecka, året innan och på hurt jag mår just den dagen. Jag går från snygg porrstjärne-kropp till överviktig och äcklig från förmiddag till eftermiddag. 
Den enda komfort jag hittar här är att mitt i detta så kanske, kanske jag är normal och medium. 
Jag antar att kontentan av bad jag vill säga är lite såhär:
- Du kommer aldrig vara så vacker som du är idag
- Tänk på vad du säger och om du sagt något fel, be om ursäkt.
- Du kan göra stor skillnad i andra människors liv - du är viktig.
Det var det som behövde komma ut idag....

Hey Fatty Boom Boom

Kategori: Livet

Ok, so I found these freaky fucks from South Africa laying down some crazy just the way I like it.
They are playing with the concept of attractiveness in a way that could make me attracted to a bus stop.
The colour in their videos and the lyrics make me wanna go Boom Boom!
Well, nu är det ni som får lyssna. Gör det!

My #1 Fan

Kategori: Livet

So I was chillin around one of those old waterholes I used to visit in this vast desert of World Wide Communication when suddenly a pretty girl with long dark hair approaches me. She eyes me up, doesn't say anything at first but then suddenly she opens her mouth and she asks in the sweetest voice I have ever imagined. "Wait? Aren't you the Struck whose blog I read from time to time?". Amazed and in disbelief I revert to the insecurity any unknown writer would succumb to "Can't be me." I say and she quotes the text from my blog. I found her. My #1 fan.  I smiled at this...

Thing of the day - Maratus volans

Kategori: Livet

Also known as Peacock Spider.
This little creature might be recognised from;

Since I happen to think that this little creature is not only very cute but also quite interesting I am allowing you to learn a little more below:
"The red, blue and black colored males have flap-like extensions of the abdomen with white hairs that can be folded down. They are used for display during mating: the male raises his abdomen, then expands and raises the flaps so that the abdomen forms a white-fringed, circular field of color. The species, and indeed the whole genus Maratus have been compared to peacocks in this respect. The third pair of legs is also raised for display, showing a brush of black hairs and white tips. While approaching the female, the male will then vibrate raised legs and tail, and dance from side to side."

Not to forget, they are TINY!
Up to 5 mm in size for both males and females.

The more you know~

Act of the day - Seppuku

Kategori: Livet

"Seppuku (切腹?, "stomach-cutting") is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. Seppuku was originally reserved only forsamurai. Part of the samurai bushido honor code, seppuku was either used voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies (and likely suffer torture), or as a form of capital punishment for samurai who had committed serious offenses, or performed for other reasons that had brought shame to them. The ceremonial disembowelment, which is usually part of a more elaborate ritual and performed in front of spectators, consists of plunging a short blade, traditionally a tantō, into the abdomen and moving the blade from left to right in a slicing motion."
The more you know~

Not only do I find this to be one of the coolest, most honourable ways to go - it makes a pretty neat picture too.


As for the word of the day we are looking at a brand new word today that is perhaps more connected to the capital punishment kind of Seppuku.


adj : showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil;

"devilish schemes"; the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen";

"the diabolical expression on his face"; "a mephistophelian glint in his eye"

Tradegy of the day?

Kategori: Livet


Random Guy says
Maria says
Random Guy says
How are you?
Maria says
I just woke up and it's 03:45 in the morning. I am soso.
Random Guy says
I'm just getting ready to go in the bath tub with my toaster ...
Maria says
Nice one. Messy suicide. A bit old and overdone but sure...
Random Guy says

See ya in the after life .
Maria says
Nah, brah, I aint gettin there.
You enjoy the fine bitches though.
Random Guy says

Ain't no party like a lemon party because a lemon party won't stop!

Kategori: Livet

The head is better than I had expected it to be. You and tequila make me crazy, baby.
The Danish Pool had their Team Night yesterday and some little Russian Chick had me staying after work for a movie and a few drinks.
We went to see "The Inbetweeners" which was hilarious. I had expected much less and even if I have to admit that there were things I could not watch - mainly due to them being too embarrasing to withstand - there were also moments where I couldn't stop laughing.
After that The Little Russian Chick took me along for some drinks at TGI Friday. The drinks there are always lovely, I think, but Elena keeps ordering ones that taste like piss for some reason. The Hawaiian Vulcano did not let me down though and so I had 3 of them.
After a little while the danes started to drop in and before I knew it I had dinner with them and we went to fibbers.
I still don't quite know how it came about that I crashed the Danes party but I am pretty sure noone minded my presence too much.
Later, after a few shots of tequila with my dear boss, Me and Elena hit the clubs. Club after club after club and none of them had anything to offer. One of them was so "classy" that they had lit candles on the 12 at night! What kind of boring attitude is that? If I go to a club or a pub I want the owner to count on people being crazy drunk and happy enough to set the place on fire by dancing. Not take care so that the curtains don't catch fire from the table settings.
Anyway. Here are some pictures!

Kategori: Livet

General asshats
Circle I Limbo

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Circle IV Rolling Weights

Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

The Pope
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

The English
Circle VII Burning Sands

George Bush
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Item number two.

Kategori: Livet

Item number two on my list of amazing things in the IRL.

This fucking weapon right here:

Imagine this baby cutting through the soft part of something fleshy.
Or...just to play with when bored.
Shiiiiny and deadly.
Not to mention it looks fucking awesome!

On a completely different note:

It seems that my home is hostile to SeaMonkeys.
Only 2 out of the last batch have survived, however, they are going strong and fighting.
I call them Bonny and Mr Bonny.


Kategori: Livet

There are the things in life that just makes you so fucking happy.
They are round, fuzzy, brilliant, spiky, soft and rock hard.

First on todays list of awesome fucking items in the real world.


Just take a look at that rainbowy crunchy soft actions right there. Too damned good.

Unknown disaster has struck

Kategori: Livet


My Sea-monkies have tragically perished. Do not ask me why for I do not know.
I woke up one morning and the tank was empty. New eggs shall be purchased and we shall reboot the miracle of life!

Things...are getting out of control...

Kategori: Livet

Ok, so a few days have gone  by since I started my sea-monkey aquarium.
To remind you I started with purifying the water and then, 24 hours later, I poured in the eggs.

Now to my terrified delight they have hatched.
Terrifyed you ask! But how come you wonder!

I will tell you why!


They are tiny still but they are filling up the whole aquarium thingie!
Sure they are adorable and doing loopy loops all over the place and what not but what if they grow?
What if they grow /alot/?

I am sort of afraid to feed them. If I do feed them I am convinced that they will grow super large, bulge out of the tank and start to crawl around on my floor.
That can only lead to 2 things.
Squishy floors and Sea-monkley vs. Spider fights.
If scenario number 2 knocks on realitys door I promise you I will shoot video of it.

As of now the Monkeys are too small for me to be able to get a photo of them, but for how long....?

Sea-Monkeys - When you need a friend.

Kategori: Livet

One of my problems since I came here to Ireland has been that I so miss having a pet.
I have discussed this with my dear boyfriend on many odd occassion and he has given in to my pleading on equally many occassions. "Yes, you are allowed to get an anteater when we have a place of our own, big enough for one and with a back yard." 2 out of 3 so far, but since we rent the house we live in now we are not allowed to have pets.

However; I have found the ideal pet for someone in my situation.

Well smurf it, I will just go right out and say it! It is the perfect pet for anyone! Ever!

Why? I shall tell you why!

1. You can not be allergic to them.

2. They costs about 10 euro.

3. They eats once a week and a tiny ammount too. As a matter of fact, a small bag of food (3 euro) will last up to 2 years.

4. They live for 2 years.

5. They need no extra attention, you feed them, that is all you have to do.

6. They do not shed.

7. They always have time to listen to your problems.

8. They do not drool, snoore, bark, mew, smell or any other annoying habits your furry alternatives include at purchase.

9. They are adorable.

10. They take up about the same ammount of space as a tea-cup.


Ok, so the above image might not properly display exactly what they look like.


But they are utterly adorable:






Today I started this project off and the first step was to fill the new little aquarium with luke warm water.

After that I added the water purifier.

Now I have to wait for a full 24 hours before I add my new eggs to the water and wait for magic to happen.

Stay tuned!


Let's try this again

Kategori: Livet

Word of the day

Kategori: Livet

Så jag slutade röka.

Kategori: Livet

Mitt hierta är trasigt lite.
Ja, nej jag försöker faktiskt inte vara melodramatisk här utan detta har kommit att bli en naturlig del av mitt liv.
De som kännt mig längre än andra vet om det och de som inte kännt mig så länge blir oftast rätt förvånade att få veta att Maria ibland bryter ihop och gråter tills att hon somnar. Denna fredag var en sådan dag. Det började på morgonen och slutade inte förrän sent på eftermiddagen.

Jag personligen tror att det handlar om ett fenomen som nog är lättast förklarat som en tryck kokare.
Även om det handlar om små saker som jag inte ens tror ska göra någon skillnad så till slut så bubblar jag över, emotionellt that is.

Det är mycket som ingen vet om förstås, så som vi mörka, mysteriska människor opererar. Men det är också de små vardags grejerna, typ, stress på jobbet, slutat röka, ändrad kost och fel tid på månaden.

Nåväl, ingen tycker gråteri och gnäll är inte särskilt roligt att läsa om.

Det var länge sedan jag bloggade nu och det har varit brist på roliga länkar och tips på bra sidor, jag har dock en eller två skatter i lager.

Ett grymt spel som går ut på at döda alla. Jag gillart!

Ja just ja! Jag har slutat röka!
Det var förvånansvärt lätt och jag tog hjälp av tuggummi de första veckorna.
Nu har jag varit rökfri sedan den 9 juni.

Jag känner mig fräshare. Jag har mer energi och jag tjänar nog lite pengar med, även om jag inte märker av det direkt. Jag hittar andra saker att lägga pengar på tror jag.

Är du nöjd nu Tony?

Horrible, is it not?

Kategori: Livet

I have forgotten how to do this shit.
There was a time when I used to be rather good at HTML.
All of the sudden I have forgotten all of it.

I'll continue when I am less...tired.

Cat stole my...uhm...mouth organ?

Kategori: Livet

Yes, indeed. Yesterday was my naked saturday on a friday.
The maning of Naked Saturday? I'll tell you the meaning.
I didn't get out of bed, I didn't get dressed, I didn't move a fucking muscle because I had the whole day off!
Instead of worrying about severities, viruses on fileservers and education for new agents I didn't worry at all.
I ate toffee popcorn and played world of warcraft, surfed the web and watched friends.
I had the laziest day in a very long time and was good.

Thursday was a hit day, me and Bex dragged our sorry asses into town straight after work.
I bought a dishwasher (for the first time in my life) and then we strolled around all the little fun ryschpysch shops we could find. We ended the night by going to the International. There we found a stand up gig and entered half way through it. The comedians were hilarious and you can imagine that they had a go at us for being swedish.
Comments such as "Do you buy your houses in flat boxes" and about how even if we are wasted drunk we still wait for the green man before passing hailed.

The reason we went to the international in the first place was to see Magnus Betnér perform. He did a small tour of Dublin this week and since I slept through the first gig we decided to catch this one.
Magnus was as bitter as can be, wich I love about him. The irish; not so much.

There were a few hecklers in the audience but Magnus put them right in their spot with his blasphemy and more so interesting for me, speaking about women rights.

Bex was a bit starstruck by seeing the comedian and I have to admit I was a little too.
After the gig I had the opertunity to tap his shoulder and thank him for a good gig.
Catasrophic I am afraid.

What I wanted to say was:

"Great gig this evening Magnus. Thank you for bringing up important issues in a way that people can grasp. The way you stand up for women rights, I think, is extrordinary and I can't express how grateful I am to see a successful male stand up for and actually express the views that women movements have been trying to push through. Because I truly belive that we need more spokesmen and women for this issue.
There are so many women out there who ruin the cause by dressing up as whores and buying all the make-up the comercials tell them to buy, and men who still belive a womans place is in the kitchen (especially in this country). People that so crudely tell it as it is are needed for this cause to continue to live and thrive."


What did I say you wonder?

Not much.

I gave him a thumbs up and said. "Good work."


Holy effing christ

Kategori: Livet

And you told me that tequila was the last one!
And there was many more.

I am getting old, this is the proof.
I had a few drink there saturday and now, monday, I am still feeling as if a squirrel is running marathon in my head while turtles on E are swimming in my tummy.
Shakes and headaches, just let me go home.

On a side note friday was a great celebration as welll as a sour good bye to our friend Andreas,
you will be sorely missed.

And Michal, quit your laughing.
Ill laugh at you when you are hungover next time.

I just want to lay down in my bed, eat ostbagar and play world of warcraft.
What I would give to be in Violet Hold instead of IDC ballycoolin.