Today I hate.

Unknown disaster has struck

Kategori: Livet


My Sea-monkies have tragically perished. Do not ask me why for I do not know.
I woke up one morning and the tank was empty. New eggs shall be purchased and we shall reboot the miracle of life!

Things...are getting out of control...

Kategori: Livet

Ok, so a few days have gone  by since I started my sea-monkey aquarium.
To remind you I started with purifying the water and then, 24 hours later, I poured in the eggs.

Now to my terrified delight they have hatched.
Terrifyed you ask! But how come you wonder!

I will tell you why!


They are tiny still but they are filling up the whole aquarium thingie!
Sure they are adorable and doing loopy loops all over the place and what not but what if they grow?
What if they grow /alot/?

I am sort of afraid to feed them. If I do feed them I am convinced that they will grow super large, bulge out of the tank and start to crawl around on my floor.
That can only lead to 2 things.
Squishy floors and Sea-monkley vs. Spider fights.
If scenario number 2 knocks on realitys door I promise you I will shoot video of it.

As of now the Monkeys are too small for me to be able to get a photo of them, but for how long....?

Sea-Monkeys - When you need a friend.

Kategori: Livet

One of my problems since I came here to Ireland has been that I so miss having a pet.
I have discussed this with my dear boyfriend on many odd occassion and he has given in to my pleading on equally many occassions. "Yes, you are allowed to get an anteater when we have a place of our own, big enough for one and with a back yard." 2 out of 3 so far, but since we rent the house we live in now we are not allowed to have pets.

However; I have found the ideal pet for someone in my situation.

Well smurf it, I will just go right out and say it! It is the perfect pet for anyone! Ever!

Why? I shall tell you why!

1. You can not be allergic to them.

2. They costs about 10 euro.

3. They eats once a week and a tiny ammount too. As a matter of fact, a small bag of food (3 euro) will last up to 2 years.

4. They live for 2 years.

5. They need no extra attention, you feed them, that is all you have to do.

6. They do not shed.

7. They always have time to listen to your problems.

8. They do not drool, snoore, bark, mew, smell or any other annoying habits your furry alternatives include at purchase.

9. They are adorable.

10. They take up about the same ammount of space as a tea-cup.


Ok, so the above image might not properly display exactly what they look like.


But they are utterly adorable:






Today I started this project off and the first step was to fill the new little aquarium with luke warm water.

After that I added the water purifier.

Now I have to wait for a full 24 hours before I add my new eggs to the water and wait for magic to happen.

Stay tuned!


Let's try this again

Kategori: Livet