Today I hate.

The mission or how maria got the german arrested

Kategori: Livet


First, soldier, you have to prepare for your mission.
This is the list of items that you will need:

1 x Teddy bear
1 x Bottle of ketchup
1 x unsuspecting neighbour
1 x bottle of glue alternatively duct tape.

Get back to me when you have acquired these items.

Over and out!



first part of mission completed.

over and out!



Next step is to cut the teddy open, pour the ketchup into the pig and
await further instructions.

PS. If you have intestine-looking props hanging around, feel free to
include them.

PS2. If you are not soldier enough to kill a teddy for the sake of
mankind then you are NOT a soldier!

Get back to me when you have prepared the teddy!




done. cruel person you are! but well, i guess ill have to do it heh. the teddy didnt even scream.

over and out!



Good work soldier!!

Now, for the unsuspecting neighbour.
Does this neighbour have a car? Or any other sort of vehicle?




the neighbours are really stupid. they've put mud in front of our frontdoor without any reason.
yes, they have a car. and theyr babykids bike ^^

over and out




A grand observation soldier!
A child, hm? I like this already...

Addition to the list:

1 package of cooked spaghetti
More ketchup.

get back to me when the items are acquired.




spaghettis will be cooked in about 8 mins.

spaghetti well cooked. they taste good.
i need more informations.

over and out



Mix the pasta well with the ketchup. ALOT of ketchup.

Now, to the core of your mission, Soldier.
These neighbours you speak off will get a taste of their own spewing
guts on doors ans sitch.

For tonight soldier, you will place the bycycle by the car...

Is this a school / daycare night?




well mixed. still tastes delicious.





Now, what you do is you place the bicycle by the car (preferably in
the cover of night, like any good soldier would.)
You may want to include a friend or the likes for the next step.

You place the teddy on the hood of the car and the ketchup ed pasta on
the bicycle.
It is vital that you are not seen during this procedure.

Do you have ninja-training?





ill do it with my two friends who live near my house. we will not be seen. i dont have ninja-training, but as im a balletdancer im very good in doing pirouettes to confuse my enemy.

over. part of the mission will be accomplished in about 15 mins, when they were here.



Good work soldier!

I will check back with you later tonight.
No communication will be availible until then.

I suggest you hide these emails well.

Good luck Soldier!

Over and out




i shall be waiting for further instructions.

over and out




What is your progress soldier?



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