Today I hate.

Not Quite there yet, but On my way...

Kategori: Livet

Today was a long day, very stressful and alot of complicated issues.
Tho highlight of the day was an email from service delivery management to my top manager telling her about my awesomeness. That felt really good.

Other then that I am delighted to hear that my sweet sweet boyfriend is planning on getting food from the store now.
The scent of mulled wine is filling the livingroom as I await the hot water to get ready for my soothing shower.
Tonight is a time to pamper myself. And my gawd, today I need it.

Apparently I am an evil witch too, (as if you didn't know ;D).
Had a note on my back when  I left work. It said "I am very Evil! BEWARE!!!!"
I think I am proud. Just a little. At the same time kind of asking myself if I was too hard on my prime suspect today.
Tho I don't think I could do it naturally in any other way. I am the whip-wielder after all..

On a diffent note.

I lost my card today...again. Hopefully it is still at work somewhere, and hopefully in my drawer.
Christ, head-ache. Time to pop into the shower...



  • Maria säger:


    2009-12-10 | 19:41:15

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