Today I hate.

Cat stole my...uhm...mouth organ?

Kategori: Livet

Yes, indeed. Yesterday was my naked saturday on a friday.
The maning of Naked Saturday? I'll tell you the meaning.
I didn't get out of bed, I didn't get dressed, I didn't move a fucking muscle because I had the whole day off!
Instead of worrying about severities, viruses on fileservers and education for new agents I didn't worry at all.
I ate toffee popcorn and played world of warcraft, surfed the web and watched friends.
I had the laziest day in a very long time and was good.

Thursday was a hit day, me and Bex dragged our sorry asses into town straight after work.
I bought a dishwasher (for the first time in my life) and then we strolled around all the little fun ryschpysch shops we could find. We ended the night by going to the International. There we found a stand up gig and entered half way through it. The comedians were hilarious and you can imagine that they had a go at us for being swedish.
Comments such as "Do you buy your houses in flat boxes" and about how even if we are wasted drunk we still wait for the green man before passing hailed.

The reason we went to the international in the first place was to see Magnus Betnér perform. He did a small tour of Dublin this week and since I slept through the first gig we decided to catch this one.
Magnus was as bitter as can be, wich I love about him. The irish; not so much.

There were a few hecklers in the audience but Magnus put them right in their spot with his blasphemy and more so interesting for me, speaking about women rights.

Bex was a bit starstruck by seeing the comedian and I have to admit I was a little too.
After the gig I had the opertunity to tap his shoulder and thank him for a good gig.
Catasrophic I am afraid.

What I wanted to say was:

"Great gig this evening Magnus. Thank you for bringing up important issues in a way that people can grasp. The way you stand up for women rights, I think, is extrordinary and I can't express how grateful I am to see a successful male stand up for and actually express the views that women movements have been trying to push through. Because I truly belive that we need more spokesmen and women for this issue.
There are so many women out there who ruin the cause by dressing up as whores and buying all the make-up the comercials tell them to buy, and men who still belive a womans place is in the kitchen (especially in this country). People that so crudely tell it as it is are needed for this cause to continue to live and thrive."


What did I say you wonder?

Not much.

I gave him a thumbs up and said. "Good work."



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